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Please copy, paste and email completed application to

Full Name

Phone Number

Email Address



Zip Code

Current Marital Status

Current Occupation

Do you currently have children living in the home? If so please list ages.

Is this a home or an apartment?

If a house do you rent or own this home?

If a House is there a fenced in backyard?

Do you currently own any pets?

Please list all pets, breed and age

Have you ever owned a large breed or working breed dog before?

If yes please list breed and when.

What quality of puppy are you looking for?
⭕️Show Quality

What gender puppy are you looking for?

If looking for a pet quality (companion) puppy are you planning on spaying or neutering the puppy?

Would you be open to attending puppy training class with your new puppy?

Have you ever given a pet up for adoption? if so please explain.

How many hours a day will the puppy be left alone?
⭕️0-4 hours
⭕️4-8 hours
⭕️8-12 hours

Will this puppy be an indoor or outdoor pet?

Are you planning any activities with your new puppy? Check All That Apply
⭕️Personal Protection

Why do you want a Rottweiler?

Puppy Application : Puppy Application
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